These construction tips are offered free by naval architect and boat builder, mike waters. If you find them helpful, please keep in mind that the Build Manuals for his W17 and W22 designs are full of such well-illustrated ideas and methods, and a solid reason for considering one of these well-thought-out designs should their design goals fit with yours.
These well-illustrated construction tips are offered free by naval architect and boat builder, mike waters, and are a good example of the kind of detail to be found in the Build Manuals for his W17 and W22 designs. Well worth considering when selecting a design to build.
If you find these free tips useful, please keep in mind that the Build Manuals for both the W17 and W22 designs are full of well-illustrated ideas and methods, and just another good reason for considering one of his well-thought-out designs should their design goals fit with yours.
Designer Mike Waters is glad to bring you these FREE construction tips based on many years of boatbuilding. 'Service & Support' is his mantra and, that's what you can count on if you build one his designs. His Build Manuals take the fear out of most difficult jobs.